Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Hongkonian Lives (Prequel to Buddhasden)


Some may remember me...some may not. That's fine it has been quite some time. Too much time has passed in fact that too many stories are stored in my head that I feel I need to share.

Let's all forget about this That was so 2003-2005. Let us focus on more important things.


Let's just say this is the prequel to was was (Heck if the Star Wars franchise can do it why not me)

Who am I kidding. This will be a place where I can just dump my silly ramblings and bunches and bunches of jibber jabber.

Pfffft...who am I kidding again. This is a place where I can go to so I don't have to concentrate on work. Much better said.

fini buddha (aka THE HONGKONGIAN!!!)


Anonymous said...

It's ALIVE!!!! Welcome back, my brutha. You look mah-velous!

(Got any good bathroom stories?)

Kathy Howe said...


statia said...

Are you actually going to stick around this time? You crazy hawaiian.

Anonymous said...

Good Gandhi, he's back!

Anonymous said...

Buzz sent me. I shall stop in here and there. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Hi There ~ Buzz sent me over to welcome you back to the blogsphere. I will be checking in to read what you have to say. As "they" say...enjoy.