Monday, September 17, 2007

Look at me....I'm a big boy now!!!

Yes. It is true. I am back.
Contrary to what she says I will post more than twice a year. My last attempt was weak and uneventful. I guess my heart just wasn't in it. That or I actually got busy at work.

That is neither here nor there. For all that matters is that Buddha is the past....The Hongkongian is the present.

Lots has happened in the time I was away. Let's see:

I drank beer
Got moved around in my company
I drank more beer
Became a father
Drank beer

wait a minute...became a father you say...

Yes. Believe it or not I am the proud parent/father of an amazing baby girl.

Can't you just see the pigs flying around in the air?
The devil must be looking for a jacket right now cause...I'm sure it's pretty darn cold down there right now.

It's hard to be live at times that I am responsible for a little one. I can't even be held responsible for things that I still do.

Lord help us all.


Anonymous said...

A baby! A baby!

Congratulations to all!

Anonymous said...

And the really amazing thing is, she is a BEAUTY! How the hell did you manage to pull that one off?

Oh, ri-i-i-i-i-ight. Valley.

Never mind.

Gina Miyamoto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey, welcome back and congrats on the offspring!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Welcome back and many congrats about the new baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! And congrats on the baby!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back! Make sure you share pics of your baby girl!

Anonymous said...

Buzz sent me....Congrads on the new baby girl!

statia said...

Yes and despite looking like you, she's very very adorable. And funny. And a lot easier to make laugh than my own kid. I'm going to guess that she's going to have your 12 year old sense of humor, which really, is awesome.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your baby girl...

Anonymous said...

you? a dad?! congratulations! i'm sure that you'll do just fine, although i'm not holding out hope of seeing this whole blog thing continue... :)

statia said...

What'd you lose your password or something? Pfft. I knew it wouldn't last.